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U.S. Senate fails to pass measure to make Hyde Amendment permanent

'Deception' guided court cases that legalized abortion, archbishop says

Without a voice at home, Nicaraguans ask Washington-based OAS for help

Take charge of your roots, culture, pope tells indigenous youths

Panelists talk about fighting abortion, 'resisting a throwaway culture'

New firearms decree in Brazil worries poor neighborhood in Sao Paulo

Vatican summit to help nations lagging on abuse policies, Jesuit says

Vatican releases guidelines to help church fight human trafficking

Baltimore archdiocesan board creates policy on allegations against bishops

Cardinal Wuerl acknowledges he knew of one accusation against predecessor

Pope wants abuse summit to lead to clarity, action

Lord's Prayer is reaching out for father's loving embrace, pope says

Bishop hopes list's release will help survivors know 'they've been heard'

New migrant caravan has left Honduras; why do they flee?

Pope advances sainthood causes for 17 women

Despite comments against bishops, Duterte open to talks, spokesman says

Abuse survivor Marie Collins wants Vatican summit to increase accountability

Pope meets with Chilean bishops, discusses abuse crisis

Abuse report's claim of cover-up, mishandling of cases called 'misleading'

Venezuelan bishops say Maduro government illegitimate, call for change
