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Africa trip planted new seeds of hope, pope says at audience

Florida senators ask Trump to waive visa requirements for some Bahamians

Vatican calls for electoral reform, negotiations to resume in Nicaragua

Two bishops on Mo. diocese's list of substantiated clergy abusers

Archbishop Etienne will not live in mansion: 'I am a pastor, not a prince'

CLINIC sues Trump administration over new directives for asylum-seekers

Pope appoints three cardinals to help lead synod on Amazon

Men in Black: Belief in aliens not so far out for some Catholics

Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe independence leader and ruler, dies at 95

Death toll in Bahamas likely higher than reported, local resident says

Possible healing could advance Mother Delille's sainthood cause

Pope to Mozambique church workers: Move forward, don't be afraid

Seton Hall investigation finds McCarrick harassed seminarians

Cardinal Etchegaray, key papal envoy of St. John Paul II, dies at 96

He shines a light from a New Orleans shoeshine stand

Bishop Malone will not resign, calls recent case 'convoluted'

'You have to have faith,' Bahamian resident says of Dorian recovery

Laicized cardinal, in interview, continues to deny abuse allegations

Colombian Cardinal Jose Pimiento dead at 100

Catholics denounce attacks against Brazil's indigenous peoples in Amazon
