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Like water, Christians become stagnant if not moving, pope says

Biden denied Communion at Mass during campaign stop in South Carolina

Mexican priest who runs shelter extorted, later attacked in rectory

Pope: Church cannot remain indifferent to cry of the poor

Jewish, Christian, Muslim leaders sign declaration against euthanasia

With new decree, pope makes Vatican Secret Archives no longer 'secret'

Review on abuse looks at 70 years' worth of Colorado dioceses' files

U.K. must do more to fight trafficking, bishop says after bodies found

Mind your own business each day to grow in holiness, pope says

Lebanon's church leaders to protesters: 'We hear your cry'

Proposed Amazonian rite centered on Christ, indigenous professor says

Hong Kong withdraws extradition bill that sparked protests

US bishops' conference assembly to review third-party reporting system, elect new officers

Before new ministries, church must eradicate clericalism, bishop says

Chileans must address root causes of violent protests, bishops say

Bolivian bishops urge transparency amid signs of electoral fraud

Church faces conflicts with help of Holy Spirit, pope says at audience

Bankruptcy judge OKs settlement between Duluth Diocese, abuse survivors

'We are all responsible': Bishop urges lifestyle change to protect Amazon

They come at night: Syrians flee to Iraq as cease-fire set to expire
