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Pope Francis has named two-thirds of cardinals eligible to elect his successor

New Vatican statistics note 'downward trend' in Catholic baptisms worldwide

Profit-at-all-costs is not a good business model, pope says

Evangelizer's strength comes from practicing what one preaches, pope says

Pope calls for an end to the use of torture

Pope asks African young people to be ambassadors of peace

Promote Christian values, not divisions, on social media, Vatican says

Those with political power must be 'servants' to citizens, pope says

Pope on Pentecost: Synod is journey in the Spirit, not 'a parliament'

Profit should not come at expense of ethics in tourism, Vatican says

Pope Francis says situation at U.S.-Mexico border is 'serious problem'

A church of the many: Pope addresses some synod questions, fears

Pray at Pentecost for courage to evangelize, pope says

Pope prays Chinese Catholics can practice faith fully, freely

Pope meets bishops from Italy's flood-hit Emilia-Romagna region

Pope advances sainthood cause of Italian priest shot for saving Jews

Pope appeals for cease-fire, international assistance in Sudan

Pope asks Cardinal Zuppi to lead peace mission for Ukraine

Stockpiling nukes is risk to global security, pope tells G7 leaders

Fighting clericalism means empowering laity, cardinal says
