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Amazon bishops say bill threatens Brazil's Indigenous peoples and forest

Cardinal Ladaria cautions US bishops on politicians and Communion

Bishops urge Mexicans to vote in elections, but some see warning signs

COVID-19 takes toll on Indian church leaders

Papal vaccine campaigns offered punishments, rewards 200 years ago

Amid political crisis, Salvadoran bishops call for 'authentic democracy'

Move to waive vaccine patents is good step, says Catholic health official

Pope: Welcoming migrants, refugees is opportunity for growth

Bishop McElroy: Don't weaponize the Eucharist for political ends

Pope prays emergency workers in India find strength to persevere

Trial hearings begin on Salvadoran massacre U.S. may have known about

Children separated under Trump policy to be reunited with families

Pope: One act of pure love is greatest miracle Christians can perform

Germany's ecumenical church assembly goes virtual

CNEWA launches appeal to help Indian churches respond to COVID-19 crisis

Biden administration halts border projects funded with military money

El Salvador's legislators remove judges, attorney general, causing political chaos

Some German parishes plan blessings for lovers, including lesbian and gay couples

Pope approves canonizations, but doesn't set date because of pandemic

Pope will open an online meeting on 'demographic winter' in Italy
