Carol Glatz

By this Author

Confirmation gives Catholics strength to be led by God, pope says

Abuse survivor says pope told him God loves him the way he is

Paul VI accused Archbishop Lefebvre of acting like an 'antipope'

Pope expresses concern about 'spiral of violence' in Holy Land

Gift of baptism is to be cherished, pope says at audience

Be inspired by Mary, Christ's first lay disciple, pope tells laypeople

Bishops must protect their people from danger, pope says

Pope: Faith says 'no' to Satan, 'yes' to God

Vatican finance watchdog reports ongoing progress in oversight

Power of words: Listening must lead to action, abuse survivors say

Pope meets his advisory commission on child protection

In 'historic' move, pope names three laywomen to doctrinal congregation

Father of Alfie Evans meets pope, begs for help to save his son

As young people speak to church, they must listen to Jesus, pope says

U.S. seminarian who carried cross at pope's Easter Mass dies in Rome

Pope: Christians may be sinners, but they can't be corrupt, mafioso

Young and old: Two thrown-away generations can save the world, pope says

Hong Kong cardinal: Dialogue between Christianity, China indispensable

Pope confirms plans to attend World Meeting of Families in Dublin

Pope: Present in the Eucharist, Jesus transforms those who receive him

