Carol Glatz

By this Author

Gunmen in South Sudan wound bishop-elect weeks before his installation

Pope: Prayers said aloud lead the way to God

Saying he missed people, pope returns to window for Sunday prayer

Pope: Prayer is essential to church reform

Accountability, transparency, due process still needed, abuse experts say

Five priests, two nuns, three laypeople kidnapped in Haiti

Vatican Observatory launches podcast, new website

'Profound evil' of abuse must be eradicated, Pope Francis tells symposium

Pope chooses Way of the Cross meditations written by kids

Pope: Jesus takes on human suffering to draw even closer to people

Vatican statistics show continued growth in number of Catholics worldwide

Life on Earth depends on healthy oceans, Vatican panelists say

Pope approves pay cuts for top Vatican officials, clergy

Pope: Mary comforts all those who die alone

Pope says he, too, kneels on Myanmar streets, begging for end to violence

Gift of the Holy Spirit connects people to Christ, pope says at audience

Pope to confessors: Be fathers, brothers who offer consolation, mercy

Vatican says general absolution still permissible during pandemic

Pope: God offers humanity a love with no equal on earth

For Lent, read the Gospel, fast from gossip, pope says at Angelus

