Brian Roewe

Brian Roewe is NCR environment correspondent. Much of his reporting appears at EarthBeat, NCR's journalism initiative on faith and climate change. He has covered environmental issues for NCR since 2011. His reporting has earned multiple honors, including from the Religion News Association and Catholic Media Association. Brian began with NCR in November 2011, and is a graduate of Saint Louis University and Rockhurst University.

By this Author

A Virginia parish switched to 100% solar power — and paid nothing

Archdiocese severs ties to Jesuit school after refusal to fire gay teacher

In pastoral statement, California bishops outline Laudato Si' action plan

Laudato Si' Generation rallies Catholic youth for climate strikes

Faith-based environmentalists see hope in Green New Deal goals

Reactions to new church abuse laws: a good step, but more are needed

Dioceses in major maritime areas pledge fossil fuel divestment

Do no harm: Catholic hospitals confront their own carbon footprints

Would Pope Francis back the Green New Deal?

Amazon synod to take on land use, biodiversity, indigenous rights

Where science warnings fail, can moral force push us out of climate inertia?

Catholic Church in Austria to divest from fossil fuels

Kansas parishioners fight enrollment denial of student with same-sex parents

Pope sends blessing but no vegan promises to 12-year-old activist

New report addresses church's 'twin crises' of sex abuse, leadership failure

Put down the pizza, Francis: 12-year-old girl challenges pope to go vegan this Lent

Catholic Workers charged with damaging Minnesota pipeline in climate protest

Carbon Dividend Act gets support from head of bishops' justice office

Cardinal Turkson stresses refugees' God-given dignity in Rockhurst talk

Exercise competition among Jesuit universities is body-friendly
