Brian Fraga

Brian Fraga is an NCR staff reporter. His email address is Follow him on Twitter at @BrianFragaNCR.

By this Author

Conservative group's lawsuit over Catholic border ministry draws criticism

Weak response from some US bishops as priests spread vaccine misinformation

2 Catholic school teachers fired over student journalist's pro-choice essay

Pope Francis to meet with college students in virtual dialogue hosted by Chicago's Loyola University

Cincinnati archdiocese withdraws support of event featuring Arroyo, Caviezel

With Roe likely to fall, March for Lifers see movement at a crossroads

San Francisco's Cordileone, unvaccinated, to celebrate public Mass in NYC

Benedictine monks cutting ties to Illinois school that hired gay coach

Right-wing Catholic causes got millions from group that funded some Capitol rioters

New policy requires all Chicago clergy to get permission to celebrate Latin Mass

Marquette Diocese's LGBTQ restrictions blasted as 'cruel policy'

Synod phase for local listening gets an uneven start in US dioceses

Pope Francis thanks New Ways Ministry in recent correspondence

Archbishop Cordileone reveals he's not vaccinated for COVID-19, drawing sharp criticism

Interview: Bishop Wack discusses 'anger, division' in US Catholic Church

After year of divisive debate, US bishops approve tepid document on Communion

Opening bishops' meeting, Vatican ambassador urges prelates to tamp down divisions

These 5 US bishops may be in the spotlight for years to come

Thousands call for Gomez to apologize after calling protests 'pseudo-religions'

Black Catholics respond with dismay as Gomez calls protests 'pseudo-religions'
