Black Catholic Messenger

By this Author

Ralph McCloud to receive Eileen Egan Peacemaker Award from Pax Christi USA

Black head coaches with Catholic roots to face off in 2024 NBA Finals, making history

Two-thirds of Baltimore's Black Catholic parishes to close in reorganization plan

Stand up for the African Americans on the path to sainthood

April Verrett elected first Black president of SEIU, second-largest union in America

Webcomic probes U.S. Catholic stories of race, resistance and social justice

Jesuit Antiracism Sodality to host retreat centering Black spirituality

Women and synodality centered in California with Cynthia Bailey Manns

Film on Oblate Sisters of Providence's Cuban ministry now streaming

MLK speechwriter Clarence B. Jones awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom

Candace Owens converts to Catholicism

Louisiana Supreme Court strikes down 'lookback window' for child sex abuse victims

Sr. Mary Roger Thibodeaux, noted 'Black power' nun, dead at 86

Fontbonne University to close, continuing a decline in diverse Catholic education

Faith, confidence and the Black struggle in America

In 'Preaching Racial Justice,' Black Catholics shed ecumenical light on growing need

Baltimore group meets with Vatican officials to urge canonization of US Black Catholics

Ending the death sentence: Black maternal health and the Catholic Church

Joseph Strickland was my bishop. Here's why he had to go.

'This is a journey': Catholic archivists talk slavery at inaugural conference

