Aleja Hertzler-McCain

Aleja Hertzler-McCain is a former NCR staff reporter.

By this Author

Cardinal Gregory: Black Catholics have 'kept the faith' despite injustice

Black Catholics' congress stresses their 'rightful place' in US church

'National icons': Catholics praise Mexicans feeding migrants on dangerous train route

Church reformers hopeful about synod document mention of women's ordination, LGBTQ inclusion

US Catholic Church must recommit to racial justice, say Georgetown panelists

Pittsburgh's Bishop Zubik cancels LGBTQ Mass after pressure online

Theologians carry concerns to US bishops in synod listening sessions

Japanese and US bishops jointly call on G-7 to prioritize nuclear disarmament

Chicago Archdiocese gun buyback should spur more nonviolence action, experts say

Annual US religious freedom report highlights persecution of Catholics in Nicaragua

Theologians praise expanding synod to lay voting members as 'very significant'

Catholic lawmaker filibusters in Nebraska Legislature to block bill targeting trans youth

Disabled people face worse outcomes after natural disasters. Inclusive plans may help.

Survey: US Latinos identifying as Catholic drops to 43%

Indigenous call Vatican's repudiation of Doctrine of Discovery 'only a step'

Cardinal McElroy criticizes EWTN, says San Diego Diocese won't publish content

At Georgetown, former Speaker Pelosi talks women priests, Archbishop Cordileone

'Injustice and crime:' Reviewing Pope Francis' apologies for church's role in colonialism

As pandemic enters fourth year, high-risk individuals still often forced to avoid Mass

Papal adviser says 'Vos estis,' Francis' key clergy abuse reform, 'not working'
