St. Kateri Conservation Center promotes holistic approach to ecological restoration

If only Americans, or even Catholics, knew about Catholic social doctrine

REPAM launches 'I vote for the Amazon' campaign ahead of Brazil election

To protect the Earth and its people, religious orders invest in climate solutions

'When biodiversity flourishes, human life flourishes,' Vatican official says

Vatican's major sustainability campaign the main focus of Laudato Si' Week 2022

9 million people die annually from 'overlooked' threat of pollution, says new health study

Brazil's bishops raise their voices against mining on Indigenous land

Faced with bishops' inaction, Canadian woman develops eco-investment toolkit

Catholic campaign encounters senators to save half-trillion-dollar climate legislation

Press bishops to commit to net-zero dioceses, climate panel urges young Catholics

At Earth Day checkpoint, Vatican's bold Laudato Si' initiative plants seeds of sustainability in the church

Maryland's 'historic' legislative session on climate change had strong Catholic support

For Catholic sisters, eco-missionary activity isn't trendy. It's integral to their work.

Latin American caravan asks Vatican to divest funding from mining corporations

Marquette University bars direct fossil fuel investments with its $929 million endowment

Cardinal Czerny: Saving creation requires seeing each other as family

DC's Catholic U solar project supports Vatican global sustainability initiative

Links: Analyzing Putin; SCOTUS and labor; DeSantis' rift with Miami archbishop

Medical Mission Sisters in India create center for quiet and healing amid the wonder of God's creation
