Francis, the comic strip

More than 600 faith leaders urge EPA to draft new clean car standards

Non-diocesan Catholic groups submit their own synod reports to the US bishops

Pope Francis' tenure isn't over. In fact, themes of his pontificate are now starting to gel.

With floods and fires raging, Season of Creation invites Christians to listen to nature's cries

'We are part of a living nature': Parallels in pope's, Indigenous views of humanity's relationship with creation

I attended a global meeting of Jesuit educators. Here's what I learned about our global responsibility as Catholics.

Cardinal-designate McElroy has long commitment to Laudato Si', environment

Synod report details US bishops' avoidance of church teaching on creation care

Mercy volunteers learn to live gently with creation in Vermont

Links: Trump-backed candidates; solar panels and union labor; IRS definition of 'church'

Bishops conclude assembly with guidelines to better implement Laudato Si' in East Africa

Q & A with Anna Robertson, on Catholic young adults and climate action

Eastern Africa bishops explore consequences of climate change on daily life

Puerto Rico's archbishop calls for island to adopt green energy, in line with Laudato Si'

African youth deliver environmental demands to bishops at Laudato Si' meeting

Catholics must stand against Supreme Court's anti-life climate ruling

Catholic groups oppose EU vote to designate gas and nuclear energy as 'green'

We humans need to open our minds to the personhood of nonhuman animals

Catholic Theological Society of America resolves to divest from fossil fuels
