Your thoughts on Holy Spirit atheism and armchair theologians

In new book, Richard Rohr says the 'universal Christ' changes everything

The church is suffering from Holy Spirit atheism

Light a candle in the darkness

In homily, Calif. priest says he was abused, hears from dozens of victims

Pope: God's name is revealed through authentic faith, not hypocrisy

Faith is a relationship, not a set of rules, pope says at Angelus

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: An equal opportunity sin

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: Missionary disciples

Confirmation gives Catholics strength to be led by God, pope says

Sixth Sunday of Easter: A new community

Fifth Sunday of Easter: Being 'in relationship'

Receive the Holy Spirit and he breathes on us

Eastern icons challenge Western notion of Resurrection

First Sunday of Lent: Teach me your ways of love, compassion

Protestant or Catholic, we're theological and biblical illiterates

The image of God
