Melissa Jones

Melissa Jones, Ph.D., is a healthcare advocacy writer and adjunct professor of liberal studies at Brandman University in Irvine, California.

By this Author

'Tornado God' takes on relationship between divinity, nature, humanity

Women of Italian Renaissance health care come out of shadows in new book

Book explains how Teilhard fit his faith with his experience

Eastern icons challenge Western notion of Resurrection

Virtual connectivity helps us attend to life's pain

Today's golden calf: consumerism as religion

Book takes on the entanglements of oil

Author mines Bible for images to describe the indescribable

Author calls for formation to meet challenge of social media

Science and theology both reveal splendor of our natural world

Leading us through the desert

A divinely written icon: Orthodox theology can lead to new Christian thinking on creation

Book analyzes aethestics of Americanization
