The yearly Christmas letter demands a good editor
… to mine. In it, he described his mother, sitting in a rocking chair near the Christmas tree, reading the annual Nussbaum missive by the twinkling lights and "weeping over her own …
Christmas goes green in two new children’s books
… Ripley Heights realtor, Upton is intent on purchasing Old Joe Greenwood’s Hickory Flats family tree farm and forest for development. But before he cashes in on the project, he rips up the … for the first time in his profit-driven life the luminous forest for what it really is. The trees sing to Upton, who hears “their subtly exquisite music.” Joining in the chorus are Mert, … Bowman said she “always tended to see ‘being’ in things, even inanimate things like evergreen trees, ever since I was a kid.” A Renaissance woman who -- along with writing -- draws, paints, …
Jesus came to preach reconciliation and healing
… Abraham from these very stones." Then John said, "The axe is already laid to the roots of the trees, and any tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire." John was foreseeing …
Christmas in America: belief in the virgin birth and visits from Santa
… were children. Other notable shifts from the past include: 79 percent say they'll put up a tree, compared with 92 percent who recall doing so in their childhood. 65 percent expect to send …
Being asked and asking for money at Christmas
… all these asks are recounting wonderful accomplishments. Meals served, surgeries performed, trees planted, newspapers published. Nonprofits do a lot of work. My small organization …
To frack or not to frack: Debate examines America's quest for energy
… that allows her to appreciate being part of God's creation -- the breezes rustling the trees, the wildlife, the food she raises, the star-studded night sky and yes, her two friendly …
"Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending"
… Robed in dreadful majesty; Those who set at naught and sold Him, Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, deeply wailing, deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. Every island, …
The War on Advent
… can do to cultivate the season of Advent in the heart. In my family, we may buy the Christmas tree a few days in advance, so the branches can drop, but we decorate it on Christmas Eve only. …
Why we call for the closure of the School of the Americas
… the Pentagon hoped, from Latin demonstrations. In 1983, Father Roy and two other men climbed a tree near the new barracks and played a tape of Archbishop Oscar Romero's final homily, spoken …
Francis and a church that breathes with both lungs
… just like four years ago, that the microscopic examination could miss the forest for the trees. In both cases, the real novelty is that the documents are acts of synthesis, weaving …