Calling fossil fuel investments sinful, global interfaith coalition outlines moral standards for climate finance
… companies that lack short- and medium-term decarbonization and deforestation plans, and to divest within three years from companies that don't develop such plans. At the same time, the … a just transition . The Catholic Church's Laudato Si' Movement has led a yearslong fossil fuel divestment campaign , and the Vatican has endorsed financial steps like divestment and reinvestment in sustainability through its Laudato Si' Action Platform . Bishops …
Desmond Tutu showed me what a soul-centered Christian life could look like
… tour of a dozen high-profile American colleges, calling upon administrations and boards to divest their assets from his beloved country. I queried this majestic man one-to-one for 30 …
Philippine bishops urge church finances to disconnect from fossil fuels
… one of at least a half dozen national bishops' conferences so far to join the fossil fuel divestment movement. Their latest pastoral statement pushes further. In it, the bishops … financial exposure to fossil fuels, to press for the phase out of such investments. Absent a divestment policy, the bishops directed Catholic institutions to withdraw their finances from … and communities. They also encouraged the development of education campaigns to promote divestment within congregations, schools and communities. The bishops also asked that church …
EarthBeat Weekly: The stories that captured our readers' attention most in 2021
… generations to come through land trusts and conservation easements. … Inside the campaign to divest the Catholic Church from fossil fuels : … A deep-dive into the yearslong program of the …
2021 in review: Pope calls world to act on impact of climate change on poorest countries
… and love of neighbor. We have to create a space for dialogue," he added. A global campaign to divest from fossil fuels continued to gain adherents in the fall, with 72 institutions — 36 of … Development, welcomed the announcement during an Oct. 26 video conference organized by leading divestment proponents. The Vatican and Pope Francis have become increasingly vocal about … ecology and other actions outlined in the pope's encyclical. "In very strong language, divestment was recommended," Father Kureethadam told the online conference. "Last year we …
United in faith, Cypriot Christians have mission to console, pope says
… that, in order to be revitalized in communion and mission, we too need to have the courage to divest ourselves of all that, however precious, is earthly, in order to favor the fullness of …
Climate anxiety? This 30-day action plan may give you hope
… pension plan or friends have any investments in fossil fuels, intentionally or otherwise, divesting is a great way to send a message that profiting on destruction is no longer socially or …
Editorial: COP26 shortcomings point to mission for all Catholics
… , encourage shareholder engagement with companies on climate-related issues, rather than divestment, according to Catholic News Service. Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego reportedly …
Official launch of Laudato Si' Action Platform offers Catholics concrete steps toward sustainable lifestyles
… advocating for sustainable development; and following ethical investment guidelines, including divestment from fossil fuels. After the angelus prayer Sunday, Francis told the crowd in St. …
Faith groups increasingly join 'impatient, feisty, unstoppable' fight against climate change
… Religious groups including the World Council of Churches also have joined the fossil fuel divestment movement . "This isn't just a stunt," said Harper, whose organization has backed such … gesture to a key road map into the future. Not all religious decision makers are on board with divestment nor is every member of a faith tradition of like mind. In the Presbyterian Church … in. The issue is expected to be raised again in the 2022 general assembly. "The concern with divestment was that there wasn't anything in there for the transition of workers — to go into …