A harvest of solidarity
… it in (Matt 9:37). The parables of the sower, the wheat and the weeds, the vineyard, the fig tree, the single grain of wheat that multiplies by dying, and other metaphors place Jesus' vision …
Gang murder or environmental crime in killing of Salvadoran priest?
… the crime as a possible retaliation for Fr. Cecilio Perez Cruz's criticism of the cutting of trees near the western town of Juayua. Initially, many characterized the crime as a gang killing … Service May 20 that Perez was one of them. Perez recently "strongly denounced" the cutting of trees near his parish, and that touched the financial interests of high-ranking business leaders, …
Terrence Malick's new film about Franz Jägerstätter premieres at Cannes
… Malick's best film since his 2011 meditation on the meaning of life and suffering in "The Tree of Life." If you are familiar with Malick's work, you will soon realize he tells the same … would one man's decision make in the outcome of the war? It made me think of the saying, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Seventy-six years …
Becoming a new creation
… in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the beauty that surrounds us in trees and tulips, in rocks and rivers, flowers and fields, snow-capped mountains and green-clad …
At Call to Action, younger leaders are reimagining church reform
… take inspiration from the image of the "nurse log," Killen said, in which a fallen, decaying tree facilitates new life. She cites women's religious communities at having done this well. "The …
St. Benedict's eighth step of humility: to grow, not to fossilize
… depth of communal wisdom. Dynamic groups shake off the dry leaves of the past. They prune the tree of the tradition over and over again so that in every age it lives on. The Benedictine symbol of Monte Cassino, Benedict's monastery, is a tree. The inscription at its base says, " Succisa virescit ," Cut down, it grows again. And so, …
Not failing, but changing: US Catholic life in a new era
… quarters on the top floor of the villa, Sister Sally can see stretched out below, a meadow, tree lines, and in the distance the red roofs of the massive motherhouse, a marker of an earlier …
Early evacuation in India spares more than 1 million from deadly cyclone
… decades, the archbishop told that winds had destroyed thatched houses and downed trees, utility poles and telecommunication networks. Fr. Purushottam Nayak, archdiocesan …
Rising with Jesus at Eucharist
… tells her parents to give her something to eat (Luke 8:55). Zacchaeus is called down from the tree (the cross Jesus will ascend to take his place), and he and Jesus dine together to celebrate …
Turn it upside down
… I might ruin it. They ask for the teacher's critique, and she gently suggests, "Maybe the tree could use a couple more branches; you have too much space over here. The composition's out …
House of Charity in Mumbai provides family to those with disabilities
… of Charity, an Italian order that manages the Marian House of Charity, hidden away among trees at the dead end of Versova, a remote suburb of Mumbai, India's commercial capital. The …
Calmly plotting the resurrection
… to get them in just before the ground freezes hard and just after the leaves are all off the trees. You are likely cold as you plant the bulbs. If you're not, the bulbs are going to rise …
Easter Sunday
… healed the oppressed, Peter went on to say that “they” put him to death by hanging him on a tree. What Peter takes pains to talk about in detail is the fact that God raised Jesus on the …
Holy Week services go on in Paris despite Notre Dame fire
… that burned so quickly, only to hear critics say France no longer had such massive oak trees to match the originals. Jean-Michel Wilmotte, the star architect who designed the Russian …
Dancing with the stars
… that are ours through the grace of baptism. Now our shame becomes our glory on this holy tree. Now the reign of death is ended. Now we are set free. —Dan Schutte, "Join in the Dance" The …
Your thoughts on Holy Spirit atheism and armchair theologians
… life emerges only after great destruction. Come, fire of the Holy Spirit, destroy the dead tree of clericalism and power structures, so that the seeds of new life may be released into the …
The rituals of the Triduum
… some physical showing of what we hold dear. And it seems what we hold dear is this cross, the tree of paradise, the instrument of torture, the tree of life, the vine. What on earth does it mean that people in this most powerful of nations …
New York City brownstone is home to 15 millennial Catholics
… framed group photos of Fordies past, mostly in red holiday sweaters in front of a Christmas tree. When Ford Hall opened in 1974, the headline of a New York Times article announced "22 …
Young Leaders for Peace teach us to make room for difference
… Islamic Center in Minnesota; First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas; and Tree of Life Congregation in a Pennsylvania synagogue. Consider the recent terrorist attacks in …
In new book, Richard Rohr says the 'universal Christ' changes everything
… in his surroundings, whether natural or human-made. He points out the white blossoms of a pear tree and the adobe buildings — some of them centuries old — common to Albuquerque's …