Reflections on three unlikely cardinals: McElroy, Ramazzini and Rosa Chávez
… as "out of central casting" for Francis' description of a good bishop: one who lived simply, "divested of royal trappings and unafraid to smell like the sheep." Ramazzini, I wrote, is "a …
To protect the Earth and its people, religious orders invest in climate solutions
… in various projects have extended their ministry outreach to 54 countries, Staley said. Divestment from fossil fuels and other harmful activities to the Earth also played a large part … on both Wednesday and Thursday offered guides and resources on how faith-based communities can divest from fossil fuels. The Laudato Si' Movement, which has promoted divestment in the church, …
Brazil's bishops raise their voices against mining on Indigenous land
… similar efforts. "Beginning with Catholics, we have to raise awareness about the need to divest from mining," Ferreira told RNS. Ferreira is the secretary of the Bishops' Conference's …
Faced with bishops' inaction, Canadian woman develops eco-investment toolkit
… Beatrice Ekoko … A new toolkit helps faith communities in Canada discern how best to divest their organizations from investments in the fossil fuel industry. The Catholic … it for potential use. The toolkit has also been an influence on groups that have already divested, such as the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada, to publicly share their commitments with … serving as inspiration and motivation for even more groups across diverse faiths to take on divesting from fossil fuels. Throughout her work to care for our common home, Richard admitted to …
India's first lay saint, martyred for preaching social equality
… local Hindu religious authority), and other feudal lords falsely accused Pillai of treason, divesting him of his royal duties. In 1749, he was arrested and tortured for three years before …
Latin American caravan asks Vatican to divest funding from mining corporations
… according to a joint press release issued by the Churches and Mining Network and the Divest in Mining Campaign . Although the Vatican urged Catholics to divest from fossil fuel industries in 2020, Osorio Arenas said the church can still do more …
Marquette University bars direct fossil fuel investments with its $929 million endowment
… important stance." Maddie Kuehn, a junior and member of Fossil Free Marquette that pushed for divestment, told EarthBeat the move was "really exciting" and an "incredible first step." "I … with 87% of voters in support of the university implementing a five-year fossil fuel divestment plan. The vote came after a series of meetings between student group Fossil Free … sector within the wider movement. While the vast majority of Catholic institutions have not divested, attention to the idea has gained traction in the wake of the release of Laudato Si' . …
Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they're fueling war on my doorstep.
… fuels and the fossil fuel industry head-on. Faith institutions have led the way previously on divesting finances from fossil fuels; now they can play a crucial role in building support and …
Yale, Stanford and MIT's fossil fuel investments are illegal, students say
… obligations," the letter said. Hannah Reynolds, an anthropology student and co-coordinator of Divest Princeton, said the group filed the complaint after her university failed to act on … to shed investments in fossil fuel companies. "There’s been nine years of fossil fuel divestment organizing at Princeton and no commitment or action by Princeton. We’ve exercised …
UN wants faith groups to help work against plastic pollution
… impacts of climate change and for the conservation of the environment and ecology. From divesting from fossil fuel to challenging massive oil and gas projects, faith-based groups have …
Young Catholics deliver critique of US church leaders' climate silence straight to the pope
… who also works with the Catholic Climate Covenant and was part of Creighton's fossil fuel divestment campaign . With a shared sense of concern, they decided to raise it with Francis, …