After Batsirai, Madagascans terrified of next cyclone, says CRS official
… anything like it. He told me that night (Feb. 5) was the longest night of his life, watching trees fall one after another," she said. People's vanilla and cinnamon businesses were wiped out along with the trees, Fajardo said, noting that the vast majority of homesteads in Mandalay and surrounding … and other products. "The wind swept everything away," Fajardo said, noting that plots where trees and rice had grown are now bare. She said she saw beach sand nearly a mile inland from the …
I can see clearly now
… his eyes with spittle, then asks him if he can see anything. When the man says he sees “trees walking,” Jesus touches his eyes again, and the man clearly sees that they are people. …
For a greener Valentine's Day, skip the bouquet of roses
… gifts like a packet of seeds as a promise to garden with your beloved, or a donation to have a tree planted in a loved one's honor. Given that St. Valentine is the patron saint of beekeepers …
Ecospirituality is more than ecology and theology. It calls us to reconnect.
… of humans with the rest of creation. "In the Indigenous world, the relationship with a tree, a lake, the forest, the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun, is not a systematic, rational, … before the synod officially began, Francis marked his namesake's feast day, Oct. 4, with a tree-planting ceremony in the Vatican Gardens, accompanied by delegates to the synod, some of …
Stand together: Violence is every faith community's business
… not surprising. Such shows of support often take place in response to emergencies. After the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, Muslim groups were among those who raised tens of thousands of …
The enemy within
… the intentions of the heart. In Genesis, God gives Adam a tour of the garden with its luscious trees but warns him to stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What we eat is less significant and dangerous than what … of love to happen. So, God tests Adam and Eve by telling them they must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan, God’s adversary, seduces them with the lie that if …
Re-Indigenize your faith by recognizing sweetgrass, all things as kin
… In the Potawatomi creation story, Sky Woman descends to this world with the foliage of the Tree of Life. In Catholic tradition, Mary, like the smoke of the medicine that bears her name, ascends to the heavens and the Tree of Life whose leaves will "serve as medicine for the nations" (Revelations 22:2). "Mary's …
Equality protections for all Americans are overdue, but we can right this wrong
… a Catholic, I strongly believe in my core that God makes no mistakes. Even when the leaf of a tree falls it's because of his will. God created all of us. As people of faith — conservative and …
Amazing Grace
… love, and we are the sparrows who find a nest in the branches of the amazing mustard tree. …
Is a river a person? Advocates for the legal rights of nature say yes
… runoff upstream. Still another added that the shallow spots filled with tangles of downed tree trunks might complicate navigation, but they were the best places for fishing. Then two … California law professor Christopher Stone published a landmark law review article , "Should Trees Have Standing?: Towards Legal Rights for Natural Objects." In his 1972 article, Stone …