The power of the exiled woman: The handless maiden
… Philemon who loves every son and daughter he has, including his mint plants and his fruiting trees as though they were his children. Imagine those figures as symbolic of a collective … essay about diminishment of women's gifts. Read in an ealier column the essay, " The Apple Tree ." It goes like this [In] my old country family's version of the tale "The Handless Maiden" …
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
… and the people within it. Jesus is telling us that that tiny mustard seed becomes a tree, and that tiny bit of yeast makes the whole batch of dough rise, it transforms. In that …
The Apple Tree: Sexual Body Theology
… And then, just behind a buttress appeared one of the saddest sights. A magnificent old apple tree, but one so laden with apples, so fertile, so fecund, so heavy with thousands of enormous … a frail aunt in the back seat, not wanting her bones to clank together. But now that the apple tree's boughs could be lifted, I had nothing to wrap them with. All surfaces - road, sidewalk, … watch over. He would bring a small saw and carefully trim, not sever. He knew about mending trees; a fine old Italiano. Besides, after I told him about the unusual St. Joseph out back, I …
Art and Spirituality: In the name of the mother
… in the sky above, the earth below, in the animals, in our dreams. -- Art by Meinrad Craighead "Tree Mother," 1982 One critic called her art “vast landscapes of interconnectedness.” … where for the next 14 years she continued her work, publishing her first book, The Sign of the Tree , and becoming the subject of a number of television documentaries. "Stars," 1984 It …
Novena natus: Nine hymns for the souls of women
… elders who are creating the credentials that matter most: proof that a woman is like a great tree who, by its ability to move instead of remaining unmoved, can survive the strongest storms …
The only diet for a peacemaker is a vegetarian diet
… Genesis 1:29 says, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food." Biblical images and justice issues …
Viva Oaxaca!
… for example, these nonviolent, indigenous communities planted more than three million native trees. They’re reclaiming their traditional corn-growing methods to create a more viable local …
Burnout: La Chispa, Reigniting the Gift
… the instrument. … The stringed instruments, the violin, the bass, the viola, and the venerable trees they have been borrowed from... … do the musicians place them in environs and ecologies …
As rebels launch new attacks, CRS sends foreign staff out of Chad
… they will not be going home for a long time. "In 2005, we tried to get the refugees to plant trees in the camps, but they still had hope they'd soon return home. So they refused and were ready to fight the staff. They asked why they should plant trees if they weren't going to stay," Fall said. "But today they're asking to plant trees, and they're building houses with mud and bricks, because it's safer and more comfortable …
Abolish the death penalty now!
… New Mexico -- a land long ago roamed by fierce conquistadors and in the 1800s full of hangin' trees and frontier justice and today home to the nuclear industry-- last conducted an execution …
Getting Real: The Hidden Room in a Man's Heart - For Father's Day 2008
… scar. And thusly another band of branch grows and is connected to the last one. So goes the tree of living wood, growing upward, outward, full and whole. Over and over. The tree expands. Scar by scar. Amen. It is soon Father's Day and if one could tell the caretaking …
Children unable to return to school in Myanmar, archbishop says
… said the archbishop. Another story involved a mother and her 3-month-old baby. After a tree fell, blocking the door and making it impossible for the pair to exit their home, the mother …
U.S. pilgrims cope with expenses, logistics to get to World Youth Day
… site's suggestions and then some. They sponsored family night at a local restaurant, a holiday tree sale, a Mother's Day flower sale, a basket raffle, a bake sale and a pancake breakfast. …
Myanmar cyclone victims try to survive amid devastating losses
… village about 75 miles southwest of Yangon. Leieintan was accessible only by boat, given the trees, downed electricity pylons and other cyclone debris blocking the roads. The humanitarian … just a year old, died in the nighttime flood. "My wife can't swim, so we had to hang on to a tree. I picked her up to put her up the tree, and at the same time the water swept away my … a tour of the disaster area. More than 15 villages simply disappeared. About 70 percent of the trees in Yangon were uprooted. All churches, priests' houses and convents have been damaged, …
Vatican ambassador to U.S. talks of coming papal trip
… to show off a few bits of spit-and-polish around the house. For example, a new bank of trees has been installed on the grounds to shield its garden from the busy street outside, in …
The Rainmakers: Beer Bottle Old Woman and Tin Can Old Man
… blocks of shattered glass a match for anything jagged in the psyche, and finds a grove of trees a restful place that calls peace forward in the psyche. It is true. Some of us are called …
An authentic politic of hope ... with an afterword by Saint Nobody
… matter how small, is considered most valuable. Why? Because an orcharder knows that fruiting trees that have the smallest seeds, and that the trees that shed the smallest seeds, bring the most new life into the world. Till we meet again: …
Eight questions American Catholics are asking
… we make to this view [evolution]? It is the affair of the natural sciences to explain how the tree of life in particular continues to grow, and how new branches shoot out from it. This is not …
The world's greatest, untapped alternative resource: women
… And yet we persist. But not everywhere and not everyone. Here in India -- the land of banyan trees whose roots speak of depth and endurance, of lotus flowers that speak of survival and …
My day in court
… for my resistance. I'm always amazed that Jesus did not spend his life sitting under a tree, dispensing his wisdom. He stood up, spoke out, and marched to Jerusalem, where he …