Finding a dwelling place
… a way of seeing and thinking and feeling. A Spirit alights within us like a songbird in a tree. We learn how not to frighten it away, and it stays with us, and the dimensions of our heart …
San Jose diocese: Going Green Leader
… will eliminate approximately 19,000 tons of CO2. That is equivalent to planting 345 acres of trees or removing 4,740 cars from the road for one year." "I applaud the leadership of the Phase …
My encounters with Fr. Thomas Berry
… said. “We perceive the story. We put it in our language, the birds put it in theirs, and the trees put it in theirs. We can read the story of the universe in the trees. Everything tells the story of the universe. The winds tell the story, literally, not just …
Pentecostal Psalm of No-Tongues
… me no foreign mystical tongue to amaze and astonish all, but the tongue of a wonder-rooted tree, whose bark sings with silvery gray silence, or the mute tongue of an awestruck rock, whose …
Communion, coffee and a sausage biscuit
… four-pointed stars cling to slim forsythia branches. Delicate white blooms of Bradford pear trees seem to have come out overnight. Mothers are driving their kids to the big Catholic grade …
On the death of Fr. Larry Rosebaugh
… Ga., where Salvadoran death squads were being trained. Late one night, the trio scaled a tree with a speaker and blasted an audiotape of Archbishop Romero’s last sermon, which called … Holy Week, I had three good days of retreat by myself in a great quiet place with beautiful trees and nature, only to view the devastated living conditions of the poorest just across the …
Irish abuse report demands decisive action
… abuse itself. Punishing the perpetrators is completely missing the forest standing behind the trees. The clerical culture intertwined with the institution needs to be fearlessly examined and …
Fr. Lawrence Rosebaugh eulogized in Guatemala
… Salvadoran soldiers were staying while undergoing training. They mounted a sound system in a tree to play the last recorded words of Archbishop Romero in which he called upon Salvadoran …
GMOs are going to create famine and hunger
… the United States and Europe, is poor biologically. Ireland, for example, has ten species of trees. Where I worked in the Philippines, I got money from the Australian government to do a study in a local forest. In a single hectare, you could get up to 130 species of trees. There are 5,000 species total in that forest. The south is rich biologically but poor …
Three great ironies about Benedict's Holy Land visit
… deep importance. (Benedict used St. Paul's image of Christianity as a shoot grafted onto the tree of Judaism in his farewell address this afternoon.) Moreover, Benedict has also cultivated …
Craighead and the feminine divine
… Craighead and her mystical encounters with the feminine divine. -- Art by Meinrad Craighead "Tree Mother," 1982 Producer Amy Kellum described the documentary's content: "As she explains the …
Today, Benedict belonged to the Palestinians
… Aida camp, and said the construction of the nearby security wall destroyed a grove of olive trees where the students at the camp’s school used to play. Ramadan said she wants to be a …
The pope and Hitler Youth (Benedictís words)
… John L. Allen Jr. … Pope Benedict and Israel's President Shimon Peres plant an olive tree, an ancient symbol of peace and prosperity, in the garden of the presidential palace in … May 11. (CNS/ Reuters) Pope Benedict and Israel's President Shimon Peres plant an olive tree, an ancient symbol of peace and prosperity, in the garden of the presidential palace in …
'Peace Team' faces minor setbacks in trip to Gaza
… barely slowing the van to be waved on. The landscape grew less urban; we saw groves of date trees, then smaller dwellings more sparsely situated on the desert plains. There, the dwellings … and transversed the garden paths. The arid desert was broken with green plots and rows of trees separating properties, evidence of hard and determined efforts to make the “desert blossom …
Canticle of Creation
… so easily become rigid of heart in their journeys to you. Make my heart like the green willow tree that easily bends in the wind, that bows gracefully before the storm only to raise its head …
Vignettes from Rome
… a broad sense of the world, and leadership ability. Needless to say, they don't grow on trees. One such personality on the Roman scene is Italian Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, president …
Lay your loved ones to rest the natural way
… to control nature. Instead, a green cemetery allows nature take its course. Planting native trees, shrubs and flowers in a loved one’s honor promotes habitat restoration.” “If you ask …
GreenFaith fellows work for the worldís future
… Lefevere) Sr. Doretta Cornell (Patricia Lefevere) As a Girl Scout intent on earning her “Tree” badge, Helen Cornell memorized the names of all the trees she saw, preserved samples of their leaves and rustled the best acorn she could find, …
Healing the planet, healing ourselves
… Another participant records the experience in her weekly journal: "Today, we helped saving trees. What I mean by saving was that we removed more invasive plants away from the trees." Another writes: "I smell the salt in the water as it moves. I see the cedar as it dies to … our children lose contact with nature's wonder and joy. They text-message rather than build tree houses. They don't hunt bugs or crawdads, spot animal tracks in the forest and try to figure …
Visiting a Grave
… ages in the palm of Your divine hand. May the breath of creation that surrounds this grave— in trees, grass and earth, birds and sun— join us in prayer. May this pilgrimage remind us of what …