Reporter's Inbox: The bishop of Tucson gets an electrical vehicle — reactions are mixed
… U.S. prelate about Pope Francis' critique of American lifestyles in his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum "on the climate crisis." …
The Holy See could be a bridge for UN climate negotiations
… by subsidiarity, synodality and solidarity. This is reinforced in his follow-up letter, Laudate Deum , where he directly encouraged negotiators to become "capable of considering the common good …
Holy Family Sisters plan 22-acre community solar project in Louisiana
… on Sept. 14, 2023, not long before the Oct. 4, 2023, release of his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum , a follow-up to the encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si' , which helped set the tone …
Kenyan bishop urges young Catholics to work 'collaboratively' to protect, care for environment
… 'Laudato Si',' which is really a wonderful document for all of us. Perhaps you will hear about 'Laudate Deum.' Do not just hear. Hear and act," he said. "And when you act, don't act alone. Work …
Calif. Catholic college says new energy independence plan models 'creative' stewardship
… calls for sustainability and caring for the environment through his apostolic exhortation "Laudate Deum" and encyclical "Laudato Si'." With Pope Francis' frequent calls to protect the environment, …
Three Catholic bishops and a nun walk into the White House. Here's why it's no joke.
… Lonnie Ellis. We went to discuss Pope Francis' latest apostolic exhortation on climate , Laudate Deum . We went with a mission — a nonpartisan, faith-filled mission. Here's why. We are all being …
In CBS interview, Francis calls climate change 'a road to death,' chastises 'foolish' deniers
… by significantly reducing their use of fossil fuels and assisting poorer countries. In Laudate Deum — an apostolic exhortation "on the climate crisis" issued in October as a follow-up to …
Editorial: Finally, (some) US dioceses are taking the pope's climate message seriously
… and six months since the release of Francis' apostolic exhortation "on the climate crisis," Laudate Deum , Catholics in the United States are beginning to see the type of clear, tangible and …
The Vatican should do more to influence UN climate action
… behavior. Most famously, his encyclical Laudato Si' and subsequent apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum weave together the challenges of climate change, economic inequality and social injustice. …
Is the Vatican's condemnation of trans surgery new? Theologians discuss.
… how Francis went to great lengths in his latest apostolic exhortation on the climate crisis, Laudate Deum , to provide scientific evidence of climate change. "A continued openness to varied sources …
Lexington Diocese, in heart of coal country, commits to net-zero emissions
… were a major impetus to take the net-zero step in Kentucky. In October, the pope issued Laudate Deum , an apostolic exhortation "on the climate crisis" that served as a briefer and more pointed …
For Earth Day, Bruno Latour points to our role in environmental crisis
… understanding, and he amplifies Pope Francis' admonitions in Laudato S i' , and more recently Laudate Deum , for pastoral ministers and all people of goodwill to embrace ecological conversion. In an …
New York Catholic Workers bring new growth with rooftop garden
… march, Pope Francis published his apostolic exhortation, a cry for ecological action titled Laudate Deum . Saying that the world’s response to climate change has been inadequate, the pope urged on …
Arizona bishop thanks Pope Francis for calling out US impacts on climate change
… — including senior climate adviser John Podesta, a Catholic — was partly motivated by reading Laudate Deum , an apostolic exhortation "on the climate crisis" that Francis had issued a month earlier. …
Every bishop should decarbonize his diocese — and other Catholics can help
… enact its social teaching. Animated by Catholic social teaching, especially Pope Francis' Laudate Deum and the U.S. bishops' climate advocacy, each bishop should enact a science-based diocesan …
We can answer Pope Francis' call to curb climate pollution by protecting old trees
… Annapatrice Johnson … In his recent apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum , Pope Francis shared a clear message: our Common Home is suffering from a …
Cautious preaching misses opportunities for climate action
… certainty and universal threat to humanity. Pope Francis, in documents like Laudato Si' and Laudate Deum , recognizes climate change as a grave moral concern requiring urgent action. Nevertheless, …
One parent ponders a future without snow
… snowmaking to avoid losing their most profitable season. In his recent apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum , Pope Francis writes: "What happens in one part of the world has repercussions on the …
Biden's next top climate aide 'a serious Catholic' committed to 'Laudato Si''
… contingent as they cited Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation "on the climate crisis," Laudate Deum, in urging strong limits on pollutants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The …
Francis' talk to the doctrinal office was great, but it had one big omission
… the human person and the defence of his or her dignity beyond every circumstance,' " quoting Laudate Deum . Our sins degrade our human dignity but they do not remove it. Grace, the grace of the …