Nearly four months after Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, Oregon, closed his Department of Catholic Schools, the prelate announced he has established an education office focused on evangelization.
The Field Hospital: Play about Fr. Tolton inspires young Catholics; Portland's archbishop wants chanted Masses; scammers target Omaha Catholics; should little kids be at Mass?
In response to the church abuse crisis, many parishes around the country have been bringing out the big guns in a spiritual sense — calling on St. Michael the Archangel to help the church.
Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample issued a letter Aug. 20 to western Oregon Catholics in which he expresses shock, anger and discouragement over revelations of clergy sex abuse in other parts of the country.
The Field Hospital: NCR continues coverage of the archdiocesan-level encuentros with a report from western Oregon. There is a new urgency to reach the estimated 60 percent who are of Latino background among 431,000 Catholics here.