Volcanic gases rise from the Kilauea lava flow that crossed Pohoiki Road near Pahoa, Hawaii, May 28. Members of Sacred Heart Parish in Pahoa are opening their homes to those who lost theirs. (CNS/Reuters/Marco Garcia)
Can the church hold on to young Latinos? The future of Catholicism both in Latin America and in the U.S. may well depend on the answer.
How are we getting along? The Savannah Diocese in Georgia offers this advice on bridging the gap between Spanish-speaking people and Anglos when they share the same parish.
The Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, is undergoing a vocations boom. Ten men were ordained for the diocese this year. The challenge now is to find ways to pay for new associate pastors.
Five men were ordained for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, the largest group since 1975. A vocations director explains the growing ordination numbers.
The World War II heroism of a Connecticut priest naval chaplain should be recognized by canonization, parishioners say.
Deacon W. James Booth of Holy Family Church, in Brentwood, Tennessee, is sharing artwork depicting the crucifixion painted by death-row inmates. It is a way, he says, of connecting those on the outside with the humanity of those inside prison.
Warning: scammers are targeting Catholics in Florida, seeking out those who want to assist priests help others use iTunes.
Parishioners in Hawaii open their homes to those threatened by volcanic eruptions.
Small Christian communities come together for a conference in the Diocese of Orlando, Florida.
A Southern Baptist convert to Catholicism promotes evangelization. "It just wasn't a possibility in my world, but I crossed the threshold and felt the Real Presence, and that's when I became a Catholic," Sherry Anne Weddell said
In East Texas, parish nurses minister to health needs.
[Peter Feuerherd is a correspondent for NCR's Field Hospital series on parish life and is a professor of journalism at St. John's University, New York.]
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