A Butte County Sheriff deputy surveys a home Nov. 11 that was destroyed by the Camp Fire in Paradise, Calif. (CNS/Reuters/Stephen Lam)
Some 640 out of 800 families of St. Thomas More Parish in Paradise, California, lost their homes in the wildfires. The Sacramento Diocese and the Knights of Columbus respond.
Rewrite the Christmas story this year. Tips on what it means for parishioners to act as good innkeepers.
More parishes to close in Philadelphia.
And in Chicago.
Parishes in the Diocese of Rochester, New York, find shelter for the homeless this Christmas season.
Consolation ministers in San Francisco offer support for the grieving.
A four-hour procession marks the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Oakland, California. Some marchers take the opportunity to promote immigration reform.
Alleged sex abuse cases divide parishioners in the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio. Legal fees explode in the dioceses of Pennsylvania.
Lilly Endowment offers grants to develop parish leadership.
The Honolulu Archdiocese mandates that parishes in Hawaii must develop pastoral councils.
[Peter Feuerherd is a correspondent for NCR's Field Hospital series on parish life and is a professor of journalism at St. John's University, New York.]
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