Graduate students rally against the proposed federal tax reform bill Nov. 29 in the Manhattan borough of New York City. (CNS/Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)
In the Wall Street Journal, Peter Berkowitz argues that instead of seeking a comprehensive peace between Israelis and Palestinians, it would be better to pursue incremental steps.
In the Washington Post, a look at polling on the new tax reform legislation, not so much whether people support it or oppose it, but do they even think it is very important? I was hoping this would be a test of the degree to which the trickle-down ideology has or has not been persuasive, but instead I think this only shows how deeply cynical the American people are about the whole system.
At Commonweal, Cathleen Kaveny explains why sacramental “rigorism,” such as denying communion to politicians because of their stance on abortion, always backfires. I hope those who advocate this position will seriously consider Kaveny’s argument which is the best I have seen so far.
At Religion News Service, Mark Silk has a theory as to why the president keeps tweeting anti-Muslim items even though it is likely to hurt his administration’s defense of the travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries: He doesn’t need to win in the courts so much, as he needs to keep the issue alive, stoking fear.
Is Sen. Mitch McConnell the least morally serious person on the planet? Here is more evidence to answer that in the affirmative: After first saying Roy Moore should drop out of the race for the Senate, now McConnell is dodging the issue entirely. Politico has the story.
[Michael Sean Winters covers the nexus of religion and politics for NCR.]
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