Links between theology, COVID-19 and climate change

GreenFaith is hosting a webinar Aug. 27 on the links between theology, COVID-19 and climate change. In the past week, unusually heavy rains have wreaked havoc in China and flooding has displaced millions, while tens of thousands of people in California have been exacuated due to devastating wildfires. These climate-fueled calamities are happening with the backdrop of COVID-19. Fires and floods shine a spotlight on how the vulnerable among us suffer far worse when disasters strike. Our hearts are heavy for those in harm’s way.

What wisdom, solace, or strength does your faith, your spirituality provide in these times? As a multi-faith community, we need to reflect together so that our response can be rooted in our deepest convictions.

Join us on our call this week to begin this conversation together. We’ll meet at 11am ET and 8pm ET on Thursday, August 27.

Sign up for the webinar here.
