Has NCR written about it before? Check out what we have already covered. Use the search function on our site, or Google: [your topic] site:ncronline.org.
Pitch first before you report your story or write your commentary. We could already have a reporter working on the story, or a columnist writing about the same topic. We don't want you to waste your time.
We do not accept material that has appeared elsewhere or that has been submitted elsewhere for publication.
If you work for the organization you're writing about, or are paid to promote its efforts, you'll need to pitch the story elsewhere.
Most pitches will receive a response within two weeks.
Explain clearly what you want to write about and why, with a lead paragraph or nut paragraph of what the story would be about.
Explain why NCR – and not another publication – should run this story or commentary.
We're a newspaper not an academic journal, so write accordingly. Keep in mind that you are writing for a broad global audience. Don't use jargon. Use current events as a stepping point to make your larger point. Some resources: Sacred Writes and The OpEd Project.
If you haven't written for us before, send a resume and sample articles (PDFs or URLs).
Any outside expenses expected to be reimbursed by NCR, such as travel or parking, should first be cleared with the assigning editor.
How to pitch a news/feature story:
Sketch out the sources and research you will use. We encourage sources that reflect diversity in gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic background, age, geography, etc.
Tell us how many words you think you will need to write your story. News and features typically run 1,000-1,200 words. Tell us when we could expect your story to be done, or the deadline.
How to pitch a commentary:
Commentaries on "hot news" topics, such as the presidential election or the tragedy of the latest natural disaster, war or terrorist attack, probably won't be accepted unless you have a truly unique angle on the subject or are a noted expert. We can only run so many.
Tell us how many words you think you will need to write your commentary. Generally, commentaries are 700-1,200 words long. Tell us when we could expect your commentary to be done, or the deadline.
We do not publish poetry or fiction.
Pitches for commentaries focused on a seasonal event (Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, etc.) or the anniversary of an historical event, should be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance.
We assign book reviews. We do not publish unsolicited book reviews.
We do not review fiction, poetry, anthologies or self-published books.
If you are interested in being added to our roster of book reviewers, please send your resume and clips of published book reviews to ncr_books@ncronline.org.
If you are a book publisher looking to pitch a book to be considered, please send your press release to ncr_books@ncronline.org.