'In the Garden of Our Common Home' virtual retreat, part four

The global Congregation of Notre Dame Sisters are celebrating the 400th anniversary of the birth of their founder, Saint Marguerite Bourgoys, by celebrating the Season of Creation (Sept. 1-Oct. 4). 

This year of favor arrives in a challenging season for our planet and for all living-kind; a time of crisis and decision that summons us to the greatest corporate awakening we have ever dared. The dream of a new world is already in process. With one heart and mind, we are welcoming it with a new hope for humanity and we want to work at its realization.

Four-hundred years after the birth of this courageous pioneer, we, the CND family, now in mission to the four-directions of our planet, live in a critical moment. Inspired by Laudato Si' and in response to "the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor," we live in the season of the revitalization of our Garden home. Likewise, today, we attend to the mandate of Marguerite: "Be a little plot in the garden…" -- a vibrant plot in The Garden of Our Common Home.

Join us in a virtual ecological retreat with one another beginning in the Season of Creation and beyond. The free Zoom retreat will unfold in four movements, each beginning at 7 p.m., eastern time: 

  • Part 1, Sept. 1
  • Part 2, Oct. 6
  • Part 3, Nov. 10
  • Part 4, Dec. 8

To register, contact mhscholaministries@gmail.com
