NCR Forward Poll Results - April 2021

On April 7th, we asked NCR Forward members their thoughts about returning to in-person Mass. Here are the results.

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Over half of our respondents attended in person mass. This is a marked change from last summer, when 2/3 of respondents did not attend in-person mass. Another sign of increased confidence and return to normal.

Most in-person attendees were required to wear a mask, with less than 5% of respondents not required to wear one.

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In many ways, Easter services in 2021 were similar to those in 2020, according to members who took our recent poll. Shorter, social- distanced Triduum services and Easter Mass were among the most common observations NCR members shared. Others mentioned their parish moving celebrations outdoors and livestreaming Masses. Still others said they chose to observe Lent and Easter at home, taking advantage of daily reflections, readings and retreats available as at-home guides or streamed online. Following is a sampling of the comments members made:


We have been back at Mass in person since summer (masked, socially distanced, etc.), so I was surprised how emotional I felt to be able to celebrate the Triduum in person, almost tearful.  It was not all it had been, but it was so much better than all virtual last year.  Christmas did not hit me this way.  But Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter resonated with my heart and soul.

- Mary Curtis, Washington State


My church, St. Louis King of France, has done an amazing job of managing this difficult year. I read at the Easter Vigil Mass, one that usually has an overflowing crowd. This year the church opened the chapel and spread the crowd to keep safe distancing. Even in this crowded service, the priests and deacons came through the pews to distribute the host.

- Ted Lee Eubanks, Austin, Texas


Simpler services, simpler veneration, simpler singing/no choir somehow allowed us to be more focused on the prayers and actions of the liturgies.... made them stunningly more personal, more sacred, more beautiful.

- Leslie Robertson, Fort Myers, Florida


Many of the virtual events at St Cecilia's Boston were at least as meaningful, especially the Stations.

- Jim Stasheff, Lansdale, Pennsylvania


Although I miss in-person attendance, our parish was very innovative and thoughtful in the way we could view mass. For health reasons we have not attended mass in person but plan to do so now that we have been vaccinated.

- Prudence Krueger, Dana Point, California


I serve as a lector and commentator and noticed throughout Lent that in person attendance has been gradually increasing. (Dane County is gradually relaxing restrictions as vaccination increases. My pastor and parish have adopted a conservative approach and continue to provide live-streamed and taped Masses for those unable or unwilling to return in person.)

- Michael Betlach, Madison, Wisconsin


The Holy Spirit moved in a very special way this Triduum.

- David J. Frea, Grove City, Ohio


We use "At Home with The Word" for our Sunday and holiday readings so we can read, reflect and discuss them at home if we do not attend mass.

- R. E. Walker, Yakima, Washington


I am from London and attended Easter Mass at the Westminster Cathedral.  Holy Masses and many other church events are mostly transmitted via Cathedral website. Security guards, church ushers and public assistants nicely help to keep order and answer arising questions. The Cathedral is often cleaned and sanitized during the breaks. I liked the possibility of confession, where social distancing and mask-wearing also were necessary.

- Nelli Andriukaityte, London, United Kingdom


It was lonely. We are very elderly and being in public is hard on us. I did fix a nice Easter dinner for the two of us, but that too was hard. I did more private praying than I ever did in the past.

- Anonymous,  Michigan


Our parish came up with some unusual options: a Holy Saturday service in our cemetery; a virtual meditation on a painting and poem, as a Good Friday option. And they have been sending out daily homilies/reflections throughout the past year.

- T. Schaffer, Washington, DC


We virtually attended the Easter morning mass celebrated at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI.  Ron's homily was off the charts good. We will be thinking about what he said every day for the next year.

- Brendan Bitz, Corman Park, Saskatchewan, Canada


Our new virtual parish, 3000 miles away, has replaced our old local one. It has only reinforced the stark difference in the overall spiritual experience.

- Julie Rafferty, Fairbanks, Alaska


The reflections in NCR guided my Lenten observance.

- Dan Boyle, San Diego, California


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Thank you for being an NCR Forward member. We are grateful for your support. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Kayla Bergman, Member Services Coordinator at