Catholics and the election

Tuesday, October 22

Fordham’s David Gibson moderated a lively and interesting conversation about the Election 2024 with Kathleen Bonnette from Georgetown University’s Center on Faith and Justice, Dan Rober, chair of the Catholic Studies Department at Sacred Heart University, and NCR’s own Michael Sean Winters.   

Session recording: You can watch a recording of the session here


Articles by Kathleen Bonnette:


  • Suggested by Michael Sean Winters during the session: The Insurrectionist Next Door
    A witness to the events of 6 January 2021, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi conducts interviews with individuals charged with crimes for participating in the United States Capitol attack, seeking a better understanding of the cultural and political views polarizing our country.
  • Suggested by NCR board member Jim Purcell: Reflections on Catholic Voting - 2024
    Fr. Louis J. Cameli, the Cardinal's Delegate for Formation and Mission for the Archdiocese of Chicago, reflects on how to approach the 2024 election as a Catholic.

Our panel:

Kathleen Bonnette
Kathleen Bonnette is on staff at the Center on Faith and Justice at Georgetown University, where she also teaches theology. Bonnette holds a Th.D. from La Salle University, and her focus areas include moral theology, Catholic social thought, Augustinian spirituality, and ecofeminism. She was the 2022 Imbesi Fellow at Villanova University’s Augustinian Institute and recently served as the Assistant Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, & Integrity of Creation for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province. Bonnette is the author of (R)evolutionary Hope: A Spirituality of Encounter and Engagement in an Evolving World (Cascade Books, 2023), and you can find her scholarly writing in sources such as the Journal of Moral Theology and the Journal of Catholic Social Thought; for public opinion pieces, look for her by-line in America: The Jesuit Review, U.S. Catholic, and Millennial.

David Gibson
David Gibson is director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University. He came to New York’s Jesuit university in 2017 after a long career as an award-winning religion journalist, author, and filmmaker. He is also a convert to Catholicism and he came by all those vocations by accident--or Providence--while working at the English Program at Vatican Radio in Rome in the late 1980s. He returned to the United States in 1990 and worked for newspapers throughout the New York area and has written for a variety of magazines and periodicals, including National Catholic Reporter. Gibson is the author of two books on Catholicism: The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful are Shaping a New American Catholicism (HarperOne; 1st edition, 2003) and The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and His Battle with the Modern World (HarperOne; Revised ed. edition, 2009). He co-wrote and co-produced several documentaries on Christianity for CNN and the History Channel and co-authored a book on biblical archeology, Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery, (St. Martin's Press, 2015)) the basis of a popular CNN series of the same name.

Daniel Rober
Daniel Rober is Associate Professor and chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. His research and publication interests include philosophical theology, the history and theology of the Second Vatican Council, Catholic higher education, secularization, and the relationship between Catholicism and politics. His first book, Recognizing the Gift: Toward a Renewed Theology of Nature and Grace (Fortress Press, 2016) appeared in 2016. His writing has appeared in Horizons, Philosophy and Theology, the Journal of Religion and Society, and Commonweal. Forthcoming publications include a volume contribution treating the interpretation of Dignitatis Humanae in light of Catholic thinkers attempting to revive an “integralist” conception of church-state relations.

Michael Sean Winters
Michael Sean Winters has been a columnist at NCR since 2009. He is also a fellow at the Center for Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. Previously, Winters was a fellow at the Greenberg Center at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut and the Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is the author of Left at the Altar: How the Democrats Lost the Catholics and How the Catholics Can Save the Democrats (Basic Books, 2008) and God’s Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right (Harper One, 2012).

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