Solidarity and Mercy

Solidarity and Mercy: The Power of Christian Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine

Wednesday, October 16

Watch the session recording

From an international correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter's Global Sisters Report comes a powerful investigative work into the poignant acts of humanitarianism he witnessed during the Ukrainian war. In this session, Chris Herlinger and Sr. Anna Andrusiv discussed the book and life in Ukraine. The discussion was led by NCR board member David Bonior.

An excerpt of Solidarity and Mercy: The Power of Christian Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine may be read here

To purchase the book with a 20% discount code, click here. Use code MERCY20 at checkout and it will trigger a 20% discount.  

Our presenters

Chris Herlinger: 
Chris Herlinger is an international correspondent for Global Sisters Report, a project of National Catholic Reporter, for which he covers the impactful humanitarian work of Catholic nuns from across the globe. A prolific journalist and author, Chris has co-authored three powerful investigative works into international crises, including Food Fight: Struggling for Justice in a Hungry World, Rubble Nation: Haiti’s Pain, Haiti’s Promise, and Where Mercy Fails: Darfur’s Struggle to Survive, which the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu “commend(ed) as required reading for all caring people.” Chris has reported from South Sudan and Darfur, as well as numerous other locales, including Haiti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Kenya and Ethiopia and Liberia, and most recently, Ukraine. “Hope Amid Turmoil,” a Global Sisters Report series on the war in Ukraine to which Chris contributed, has been honored by the Associated Church Press, the Religion Communications Council, and the Religion News Association. Chris has been named one of its 2024 Writers of the Year by The Catholic Media Association. He lives in New York City.

David Bonior: 
David Bonior was educated in Detroit at Catholic schools including a year at Sacred Heart Seminary. He earned his B.A. from the University of Iowa and his M.A. from Chapman College. He served four years in the USAF from 1968-1972. Bonior worked as an adoption caseworker before being elected to the Michigan State House, serving from 1973-76. He was elected to the US congress (1977-2002). For eleven of those years he was elected by his caucus as the Democratic Whip, the number two person in the leadership. He is the author of five books, the latest entitled When Mercy Seasons Justice: A Story of Immigration and the Papacy of Francis. David and Judy reside in Washington DC and have a combined family of three children and eight grandchildren.

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