Holy Week Retreat with Sr. Mary McGlone

A Holy Week Retreat

Sr. Mary McGlone, CSJ

Sr. Mary looks at the events of the Triduum gospels through the eyes of the people in them.

March 27, 2024


Sr. Mary's reflection questions

Part 1:

  • Do you identify with any one of the people in the story?
  • For what would you sell all? 
  • What about extravagance? 
  • What fears need you let go of in order to be free?

Part 2:

  • Do you identify with any one of the people in the story?
  • Who prepared the supper?
  • What does that tell us about our Christian vocation?
  • Did any part of the story surprise you?

Part 3:

  • Do you identify with anyone in this story?
  • Can you imagine Jesus feeling weak, frightened, fragile?
  • What does that tell you?

Part 4:

  • Do you identify with anyone in this story?
  • What does their story tell us about our faith?
  • If you were to write a Gospel or Epistle, what would be your central message?


Slide 1:

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  • Bible Videos © By Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • J. Nelson Kraybill © 2019

Slide 7:

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  • Icon of St. Mark the Evangelist found at St. Mark Parish in Phoenix.

Slide 13:

  • An icon of Sts Aquila and Priscilla © 2023 Eri Fragiadaki, Angelicon 2023

Your comments:

  • Mahalo for sharing this time with us! Happy Easter!
  • Thank you so much! Am sorry to have been late, but am fed by what I’ve heard.
  • Thank you for these powerful reflections.
  • WONDERFUL! Thank you.
  • I just want to thank Sr. Mary for her insight and wisdom. I never fail to read her commentary on the Sunday scripture and always gain so much from it.
  • Thank you for this time for reflection.
  • I love the stories. I welled up with tears more than once.
  • THANK YOU! Happy Easter
  • Did Priscilla write Hebrews? How do we know that?
  • Thank you. Merci Asante Chi'miigwech - this was a cool drink of water for my spirit.
  • Thank you for this presentation!
  • Thank you for these wonderful reflections… will be helpful in the next few days of Holy Week.
  • Thank you from Ireland. Late because of time zone and clocks didn’t spring forward over here yet!
  • Great, Mary, thanks so much!!! It was like watching an episode of The Chosen. 
  • Thank you very much!
  • Blessings and Gratitude.
  • Thank you for this wonderful reflection.
  • you, this is a very reflective time!
  • Love your gift of writing, Mary. These midrash stories offer great insight into the so familiar stories we read in the Gospels.
  • Thank you for the reflection. 
  • Have a spirit filled Triduum.
  • Thank you so much for this very powerful and beautiful sharing.
  • This was wonderful; I loved the reflections. I read your reflections often and they are great.
  • Thank you for such an insightful perspective to a story we all thought we knew.
  • Thank you so much! Thought-provoking and inspiring!
  • I thank you very much for this spiritual food. I am in Uganda, Africa and I have really benefited from your rich sharing.
  • Great appreciation for this retreat and walking with and hearing stories in the voices of these various people.
  • Hearing the voices of "folks on the margin" says so much, making us more aware of how we need to listen to all voices.
  • Your Presentation is a testimony to the power of the imagination to reveal and inspire soul responses.
  • Thank you for your inspiration.
  • I imagine many of us will be reading the Letter to the Hebrews on this day. I definitely will.
  • Beautiful insights into the Easter story with newness and challenge. Need to hear and reflect again and again.
  • Thanks very much for insightful reflections and all your prep time, Sister Mary. 
  • As we hear the proclamation of the readings over the next few days/weeks, I am likely to “hear” these words through a new lens… THANK YOU!
  • Many thanks Sister. I feel blessed by your presentation and am weekly enriched by your Sunday reflections. 
  • Grateful for you, Mary! Thank you so much for what you've shared. It has touched my heart. 
  • Thank you! Blessed Easter.
  • Thank you so much for putting the Gospel stories into such unique formats. Happy Easter everyone!
  • I read that as early as 1900 it was suggested that Priscilla wrote Hebrews. I only learned this today! What is a good resource to read more about Priscilla?
  • This online retreat is great and complementing with images takes us further! Thank you.
  • Thank you, Sr. Mary, and NCR, for this retreat.
  • Thank you so much.
  • Thank you, thank you, Sr. Mary! Your retreat gave me so much hope! I was inspired and uplifted. So much to ponder! Prophetic!
  • Thank you for affirming us!
  • Thank you very much Sr. Mary.
  • Often in a homily I begin, “As my friend Mary McClone says …”
  • I often include Sr Mary's reflection in my weekly bible study with women at woodlands in Toledo. they love you!!!
  • Thank you. God bless you abundantly.
  • Jesus as weak fragile.
  • I am so very grateful- and look forward to re listening to the recording. 
  • Thank you so much, Sister, so many beautiful points for reflections...Blessings to you Sister ... always!
  • Thank you for offering opportunities to discern and walk with Christ. May your Holy week be filled with peace, love and blessings.
  • Our weekly Lectio Divina group is led and fed by your reflections. Thank you! Happy Easter. Hope to meet you in person one day as my husband did at Eastern Point Retreat House in 2019.
  • Felt deeply when you shared so wonderfully!
  • Thank you to Sr. Mary and NCR for this blessed time together.
  • So grateful to be a woman in this life!!
  • Grace and Joy!
  • Thank you, dear Sr. Mary, for your beautiful thoughts Holy Week.  
  • I loved the creative approach of your firsthand sharing from those less known figures hidden in the scriptures and the idea that the last supper was far more inclusive of many people, as well at Gethsemane was wonderful. Thanks for all the stimuli for thought, Mary.
  • Wonderful. A guide for lectio divina with a small group here, and much to ponder through the Tridium.
  • Love. Be bold in our tenderness!
  • Thank you, Sr. Mary. Wishing you a blessed and fruitful Holy Week
  • Thank you for a most profound time.
  • Thank you, NCR!
  • Most grateful.
  • Thank you for all you do!

Sr. Mary M. McGlone is a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet, where she serves on the congregational leadership team. She is the author of Scripture for Life, NCR's popular reflections on Sunday readings. 

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