NCR Forward Member Spotlight: October 2019

NCR's Member Spotlight shines a light on the passionate, diverse individuals who make up our NCR Forward member community around the world. If you are interested in being featured in a future Member Spotlight, please drop us a line at

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London, Ontario, Canada

Member since: September 2018

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

I’ve recently retired from a 30-year career in healthcare in Canada and started my second career in London, Ontario as a Pastoral Minister. I am mom to three grown adult children who are now each well on their way in their chosen careers. As a coordinator of RCIA for adults and children over the past 18 years I have been privileged to not only journey with those seeking to become Catholic, but am able to hand on the faith to seekers. I have continued my faith journey through many avenues of faith formation and education.  I have had my times of questioning and have been able to find peace with my faith. Questioning and being informed are important to growth and developing in my faith.

What inspires your faith?

Relationships with those who seek our living God, prayerful mentors and taking time to stop and reflect on where God has been present in my life. Living in gratitude is the fruit of faith.

What parts of NCR do you read/enjoy the most?

I especially enjoy Sr. Joan Chittister’s column, From Where I Stand. Her vision and courage to speak her truth are traits that can propel our Church forward. Pencil Preaching captures my heart as I reflect on the Word of God, Francis Chronicles remind me of how precious and people-focused Pope Francis is. Faith Seeking Understanding and Soul Seeing nourish my spirit. The current events NCR reports on keeps me informed of our global Church and provides a broader vision of who we are as Church. Thank you NCR for your integrity, insight, faith and inspiration to continue to love and serve in the Catholic Church -- even when the truth is ugly. Where else are we to go?

Is there a person who has been influential in your faith journey?

I’ve been blessed with several people who influenced my faith journey beginning with my stepmother, Mary as a young teen and a personal encounter with Jesus on retreat as a youth. A pastor in my young  adult years as a parent, a Spiritual Director who guided me through my times of questioning.  

Can you recommend a book to other NCR Forward members?

The Shack was a transformative read as well as Henri Nouwen’s writings,  Fr. Richard Rohr, Fr. Ron Rolheiser and one of my favorites in understanding the power of our baptism, Take the Plunge by Timothy Radcliffe.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our NCR Forward member community?

I believe it is critically important that as Catholics we continue to grow in our understanding of our baptism -- remembering we were baptized as priest, prophet and king and being informed of Vatican II will help all of us move forward and grow as individuals and as a global Church. Having the courage to speak up when there is an injustice is integral to living our baptism. Silence does not bring justice.


Read more Member Spotlights:

September 2019: Pam Fraser-Walters

Thank you for being an NCR Forward member. We are grateful for your support. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Kayla Bergman, Member Services Coordinator at