NCR Forward Member Spotlight: November 2019

NCR's Member Spotlight shines a light on the passionate, diverse individuals who make up our NCR Forward member community around the world. If you are interested in being featured in a future Member Spotlight, please drop us a line at

Maura Davenport

Marquette, Michigan

Member since: November 2018

What inspires your faith?
What inspires my faith is the people in my life. First of all, my Mother continues to be my inspiration. My Catholic education from first grade through college definitely influenced me throughout my life. Looking back and into the present I have to say nuns have been the greatest influence in my adult life. They truly live their faith in such a strong way and steadfastly continue their work despite the confines of the male hierarchical institution that tries to govern them. The Sisters of Providence in Indiana and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet have been and continue to inspire me.

I also belong to a women’s study group in my parish. They have been a strong support for me during a tenure with a difficult pastor. They have confirmed to me that church is the community of believers who share the faith, not always the priest on the altar.

What parts of NCR do you read/enjoy the most?
I read NCR online so I appreciate the national and international news along with the thoughtful and inspirational editorials.

Is there a person who has been influential in your faith journey?
The most influential person in my faith journey has been my Mother. I would not say it was her direct teachings as her way of living. Everything she did and continues to do is inspired by her faith. I call it faith in action. She grew up with total obedience to the priests and the rules, embraced Vatican II, and now advocates for greater leadership for women, supports contraception, married clergy and women’s ordination. She frequently writes to her Bishop about local issues that she sees that run counter to her belief in equality and being non judgmental. She is 92 years old and continues to inspire me.

Can you recommend a book to other NCR Forward members?
A modern theologian that I enjoy is Joan Chittister. I have read most of her books and I have had the opportunity to hear her speak.


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