NCR's Member Spotlight shines a light on the passionate, diverse individuals who make up our NCR Forward member community around the world. If you are interested in being featured in a future Member Spotlight, please drop us a line at

Fr. Michael Champlin, OP

Webster, WI

Member since: May 2018

Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a Dominican of the Chicago Province and was Director of an Itinerant Preaching Team for 48 years. The team preached throughout the USA and Australia/New Zealand in over 600 parishes. I am now retired at The Thomas More Center in Webster, WI.

What inspires your faith?
The number of Sacramental people who genuinely want to grow in a healthy way, despite the wounds that have been inflicted by the institutional church, has been the most inspiring part of my faith. Our Preaching Team and Community is mixed gender and I see this as one of the future faces of religious life. We are composed of two Dominicans, one USA and one Australian, and a Franciscan Sister. You can read more about us on our website,

What parts of NCR do you read/enjoy the most?
In recent years the columns of Sean Michael Winters have been both challenging and thought provoking.  I also find NCR provides a sane presentation of church/religious news. I read it online nearly every morning.

Is there a person who has been influential in your faith journey?
In addition to the Scriptures, two writers have had a significant influence on my spiritual life: The Sanctifier by Archbishop Luis Martinez and the writings of Brian Doyle, a husband and father whose prose and poetry are wonderfully insightful, deeply spiritual and fun to read! I have come to understand that The Holy Spirit is the key to a healthy spirituality.


Thank you for being an NCR Forward member. We are grateful for your support. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Kayla Bergman, Member Services Coordinator at