NCR Forward Member Spotlight: September 2019

NCR's Member Spotlight shines a light on the passionate, diverse individuals who make up our NCR Forward member community around the world. If you are interested in being featured in a future Member Spotlight, please drop us a line at

Pam Fraser-Walters

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Member since: March 2018

Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I spent formative years of childhood, youth and adult life overseas. Those experiences and friendships continue to shape my life, understanding and values. Professionally I’ve taught high school and at community college, been a public television writer-producer and a public involvement officer with the Forest Service. Personal avocations include interfaith and church involvement, plus political and civic volunteering. I’m married to a retired Naval officer and grew up as second generation “Army Brat.” I’ve three stepdaughters and four grandsons. 

What inspires your faith?
Good people of compassion, curiosity and courage. I find them all over the world, but have been strengthened in faith especially by family members, teachers and religious of varied orders and creeds who live their values. Maryknoll, Franciscan, and Dominican priests and sisters, plus Jesuits have long influenced my thinking and action, but also Duke Divinity faculty and local Rabbis who work for justice and peace.

What parts of NCR do you read/enjoy the most?
Usually I read online daily and the print copy nearly fully on the day of arrival with particular attention to the editorials and regular and featured writers including Joshua McElwee, Heidi Schlumpf, Maria Benevento, Michael Sean Winters, Sr. Mary McGlone and Joan Chittister whenever. I also much enjoy Global Sisters Report.

Is there a person who has been influential in your faith journey?
My parents and grandparents instilled love and faith in goodness. Franciscans in Puerto Rico, Fr. Gines Arimon and Tereseana Sisters in Spain, and Sister Kathleen Reiley in Japan helped me appreciate how God is present in all people. Popes John XXIII and Francis inspire me.

Can you recommend a book to other NCR Forward members?
Any by Anthony DeMello, SJ, but especially an early (1980s) copy of The Song of the Bird.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our NCR Forward member community?
I am hopeful that all people of faith will act to sustain our common home.


Thank you for reading.

Thank you for being an NCR Forward member. We are grateful for your support. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Kayla Bergman, Member Services Coordinator at