100 for the Earth


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The idea? Challenge our readers to match the $100,000 gift with an additional $100,000 each from two types of gifts:

  • 100 donations of $1,000
  • 1,000 donations of $100

The donor’s challenge gift will benefit the Laudato Si’ Fund at NCR, an endowment which will ensure environmental coverage at NCR into perpetuity. 

Will you join him by making a gift to 100 for the Earth

Friends, I hope we can count on your "yes" to this donor-inspired campaign. If 100 for the Earth is successful, EarthBeat's next two years of operating expenses will be fully funded.

We would like to especially acknowledge EarthBeat’s founding funders who stepped forward when EarthBeat was still a dream and upon whose generosity we continue to build. 

The partnership of our readers has made EarthBeat possible. We are grateful for your support and your companionship on this journey.

From Stephanie Clary, NCR's Environment Editor
