Read the letter barring Los Angeles Cardinal Mahony from public ministry

This story appears in the LA abuse cases feature series. View the full series.

by Pam Hackenmiller

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On Thursday, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez issued a letter regarding the release of files of priests who "sexually abused children while they were serving in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles."

In the letter, which you can read below, Gomez writes that he has barred retired Cardinal Roger Mahony, who was archbishop of Los Angeles from 1985 to 2011 and has been a cardinal since 1991, from future activities with the archdiocese.

The Vatican is not planning on issuing a statement on the move, reports John L. Allen Jr.

For more on Mahony's ban, read Jerry Filteau's story here, and we'll continue to keep an eye on the situation on over the next few days.




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