Clinton heads to Mideast as Israel weighs risky choices on Gaza
2nd student denied Catholic confirmation in Barnesville In letter to parish, priest apologizes for actions of family
San Jose parish pastor resigns in wake of scandal over child molester volunteer
Boston 'parish collaboratives' seen as best use for limited resources
Fort Wayne-South Bend -- Black Catholic advisory board to share traditions, cultures
Is infidelity an emotional war wound?
NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.
19 Percent of Congress is Women. Why not Half?
ELGIN, Neb. — For 88th Thanksgiving, St. Boniface Catholic Church to feed multitudes
Philippine Catholic Church wrong to oppose mining
Downtown Anchorage Catholic Church Sets New Rules for the Homeless