Election 2012 -- Bitter GOP ad campaigns highlight close Michigan primary battle. No one, not even the candidates, anticipated the slugfest that is shaping up in Michigan as Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney head toward the final hours before Tuesday's Republican presidential primary vote.
Election 2012 -- Michigan primary: Why GOP evangelicals like Catholic Rick Santorum
Election 2012 -- Democrats raring for contraception battle with Republicans
Msgr. Lynn trial: Pa. judge denies bid to drop monsignor’s charges
Msgr. Lynn trial: Jurors being seated in Pa. priest child-rape case
JERUSALEM — Catholic Church asks Israel’s president to help end attacks on Christian places of worship
Philippines' 'people power' revolt produced project for societal transformation
The Boston Archdiocese is weighing a proposal for a major overhaul of how all of the 290 Catholic parishes to be reorganized into 125 collaboratives, each served by a pastoral service team.
Ill. Catholic churches? look ahead Representatives of four Bureau and Henry county churches have prepared their recommendation for the future of their churches.
Kansas City, Mo. -- Retired police chief will lead Catholic review board, group investigates allegations of child sexual abuse within the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
Havana, Cuba -- How the Catholic Church is Preparing for a Post-Castro Cuba
Blogs report: Maryland Priest, Denies Communion To Lesbian Parishioner At Her Mother's Funeral
NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: celebrationpublications.org/dailybread. You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.