Susan G. Komen for the Cure founder defends Planned Parenthood decision
Being a Catholic Priest—and Married, The pope has created a new diocese for bringing Episcopalians into the church.
Opinion: President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast. Catholics Won't Get Fooled Again by Deacon Keith A. Fournier
Portland, Maine -- Maine Catholics start 'same sex attraction' group
Editorial: Catholics right to be angered by administration rule by The Oklahoman
Contraception mandate outrages religious groups
New Haven, Conn. -- Catholic School Bans Skirts From Uniforms, Parents Fight Back
Press Release: Catholics and Gun Owners Can Unite Against Obama on Life Issue by gun law expert John M. Snyder
Obama takes heat from Catholic leaders
NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.