Debt puzzle pieces On one side lies the chance of a historic bargain; on the other, the threat of a financial apocalypse.
West Virginia State Catholic conference joins appeal to protect federal programs
Michele Bachmann Leaves Church, Gets Catholic Support. Michael Sean Winter blogged about his on Distinctly Catholic here and here.
Kentucky Hospital merger limits medical options: Catholic rules will bar tubal ligations at University hospital
Vatican’s Excommunication of Chinese Bishop Based on Church Law
Bonita Springs, Fla. Former priest accused of embezzling church funds
Vandals target NJ Catholic churches
Ireland Six of 26 dioceses may be eliminated
Australia Government funding of Catholic and independent schools in Greens’ sights
Ireland and Germany Investigate Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandals
Boston Unwilling to give up their vigil, Parishioners of 6 churches told to close will begin appeals today
New York Wedding clerks quit over gay marriage