Know your 2015 cardinals

This story appears in the Consistory 2015 feature series. View the full series.

by Mick Forgey

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Learn about the 2015 consistory on NCR's Consistory 2015 feature series page and with the interactive map below. Pope Francis' 20 new cardinals hail from 18 different countries. In the interactive map below, hover over the highlighted countries to see the newest Cardinals' locations. Click on the locations for links to NCR coverage and analysis. Click and drag your cursor to move the map. You can also view the map in a separate window.



[Map photos are courtesy of Catholic News Service.]

*An earlier version of this map did not list the correct title for the Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, Archbishop Manuel José Macario do Nascimento Clemente.

[Mick Forgey is an NCR Bertelsen intern. He can be reached at]



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