How do you live the Works of Mercy?

This story appears in the Works of Mercy feature series. View the full series.
	 "Water is the most essential elements for life, and the future of humanity depends upon our capacity to guard it and share it." - Pope Francis (Julie Lonneman)

"Water is the most essential elements for life, and the future of humanity depends upon our capacity to guard it and share it." - Pope Francis (Julie Lonneman)

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NCR is observing Lent with the launch of a brand-new Instagram account. Today, you can share photos of your Ash Wednesday ashes by posting a photo to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook -- just tag them #MyAshes, and we'll share with our followers.
Since it's also the Jubilee Year of Mercy, we're bringing readers inspiration around the corporal works of mercy. Many of us know the list of works: Feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; visit the imprisoned; shelter the homeless; visit the sick; bury the dead. 
But do we know how to live them out? Do we think about how it would change us -- and others -- if we gave some of our time or talent to be mercy in this world?
In his most recent book, The Name of God is Mercy, Pope Francis says, "The fragility of our era is this, too: we don't believe that there is a chance for redemption; for a hand to raise you up; for an embrace to save you, forgive you, pick you up, flood you with infinite, patient, indulgent love; to put you back on your feet. We need mercy."
We'll be sharing examples of the works of mercy online and on social media this Lenten season. Visit our Instagram account or the hashtag #WorksofMercy to see stories that highlight others carrying out specific works. We'll feature one work per week, starting this week with give drink to the thirsty.
How are you giving drink to the thirsty? Maybe you made a donation to Catholic Charities in Flint or served lunch at a soup kitchen recently. If you can fit your experience into an image, illustration, or photo, please send it to us at We'll share your good works with our followers as examples that show that merciful actions give others the chance to be put back on their feet.
For inspiration, take a few moments at the start of Lent to read a few stories about giving drink to the thirsty:
Pope's Quotes: Lack of resources


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