![St. Peter Claver [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](/files/stories/images/StPeterClaver.jpg)
St. Peter Claver [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Nov. 14 St. Peter Claver
Did you know that even though he was born into a rich, noble family of African descent in Spain, St. Peter Claver chose to spend his life serving the sick and downtrodden in South America?
He treated people with the dreaded disease leprosy. St. Peter Claver met all of the slave ships from Africa right on the docks in Colombia. He ministered to their diseases, comforted and baptized them. St. Peter Claver also served the neglected and abused Native Indian people in Colombia. Overall, St. Peter Claver touched some 50 thousand African slaves.One hundred years ago, the Catholic organization, called the Knights of St. Peter Claver was founded in his memory.
More about Black Catholic history
Blacks in Catholic Christianity have a long and vibrant history.
Much of that history is generally unknown to Black Catholics as well as to the rest of the faithful. On July 24, 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States designated November as Black Catholic History Month to celebrate this long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics. During this month we celebrate the presence of our ancestors who kept the faith and are models of living the Gospel life.
November is Black Catholic History Month, read more about it.
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