Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

We stand at the brink of war, and no one is exactly sure why

Links for 1/7/20

Geofencing at church is dead wrong

Impending bishop appointments set to put a stamp on US church in 2020

Divided nation: Looking ahead to 2020 in US politics

Links for 12/31/2019

I was right, I was wrong, I was human

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

Links for 12/24/19

Democratic candidate race still fluid, but any would be better than Trump

Pope's steps against sex abuse vindicate maligned Vatican summit

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Drawing facile US lessons from UK election ignores our differences

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Away in a manger, no room at the shopping mall

Ours is a time of lying: See also, 'The Afghanistan Papers'

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We should expect better preaching; learn from Archbishop DiNoia

Links for 12/10/19

The dangers of undoing the evolved strength of the papacy
