Associated Press

By this Author

Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school

Ukraine's parliament advances bill seen as targeting Orthodox church with historic ties to Moscow

The pope's absolute power, and the problems it can cause, are on display in 2 Vatican trials

War between Israel and Hamas raises fears about rising US hostility

A Baltimore priest has been dismissed over 2018 sexual harassment settlement

In Poland, church and state draw nearer, and some Catholic faithful rebel

Newsom signs laws to fast-track housing on churches' lands, streamline housing permitting process

In the pope's homeland, more Argentines are seeking spiritual answers beyond the church

The nonreligious are a growing US phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion.

Highlights from AP-NORC poll about religiously unaffiliated in the US

Israel vows complete siege on Gaza as it strikes the Palestinian territory after incursion by Hamas

Clergy abuse survivors propose new 'zero tolerance' law following outcry over Vatican appointment

10 people are dead after Mexico church roof collapses

Women's voices and votes loom large as pope is set to open a Vatican meeting on church's future

Five cardinals challenge pope to affirm church teaching on gays, women ahead of synod

Revised report on Maryland church sex abuse leaves 5 church leaders' names still redacted

Vatican presses world leaders at UN to work on rules for lethal autonomous weapons

A Belgian bishop says the Vatican has for years snubbed pleas to defrock a pedophile ex-colleague

Statue of cardinal accused of abuse removed from outside German cathedral

Vatican shares abuse findings about an Australian bishop with local police

