Vote on revised medical directives on tap at bishops' spring assembly

Ahead of V Encuentro, report gathers stats on Hispanic ministry in US

Ohio diocese announces bishop undergoing treatment for leukemia

Sainthood cause of Fr. Augustus Tolton moves forward

Baltimore cardinal booed, heckled at '66 hearing for backing fair housing

Protesters, fans turn out for Fr. James Martin's talk in Chicago

Catholics urge political leaders to take steps to curb gun violence

Case on transfer of archbishop's body is returned to original N.Y. court

Retired Archbishop Buechlein of Indianapolis dies at age 79

Sacramento auxiliary named to succeed retiring Stockton bishop

Survey of US Catholics shows refreshed enthusiasm among women

What's coming up in the life of the US church in 2018?

Pope appoints Washington auxiliary bishop to head Richmond Diocese

Life of African-American priest told through play 'From Slave to Priest'

Young people want to be heard, be part of leadership, report says

Protesters at bishops' gathering ask for sanctuary, anti-war stance

Civility must guide debate on social challenges, USCCB president says

Cardinal praises USCCB for century of working for 'a more just society'
